
Personal statement

My interest in jewelry started in childhood with the first bag of beads. I was like the ancient people adorned themselves with simple beads made from shells, teeth and bones of animals. For those naive people pendants and necklaces were not just a decoration but had had a sacral meaning. They employed as talismans for successful hunting or against the bad eye, further they were used in magic rituals. For me it was something like that: every piece has its own value and history, there were no colour or shape without particular sense, each small thing was unique and unrepeatable.
 I think especially this feeling of originality and specific role of adornment led me to jewelry. Visiting The Armoury Chamber in Moscow Kremlin with all the fantastic attributes of tsar's power and Treasure Gallery in The State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg just strengthened me in this way. Jewelry can have plenty of names: power, money, luxury, force and glory. But it should never be boring and ordinary. It should always have its own voice and sense.
 Here in London I learned a lot about contemporary art, design and jewelry as the intersection of these trends. Visiting Victoria & Albert Museum gave a conception of huge adornment variety from ancient times to conceptual works of nowadays. However far more I was inspired by workmanship of some modern artists originated absolutely unique and independent style. Firstly it is Tiffany Parbs who changed the whole definition of timeless life of jewelry. Using skin as indispensable background and stamping on it simple words and ornaments she creates her "ephemeral" jewelry. By way of contrast Melanie Bilenker composes reminding jewelry employing also elements of human body - hairs. And finally the most strange and inventive Norman Cherry's body medications converting bone shapes and skin surface. All these different approaches in using organic materials made me think about the relationship between the body and the object, body prolongation, memory of body.
 The clear idea and its good realization are two interconnected and equally important aspects of any piece of art. Therefore I consider that the greatest value of my Foundation course is understanding and awareness of how to work with idea and increase it in your own way. The most unexpected and difficult component of this process was research. Jumping from idea to idea and using associations only look to be simple. But in the other hand it is the most exiting moment, soaring imagination. Moreover I realized that the most interesting and effective for me is ongoing process, handwork, physical manipulating with different materials as well as alteration and destruction of objects. I used to work with various matters which can hold the form such as wire, metal netting, modeling material. Far hardest and at the same time the biggest achievement for me was to feel freely during experimentations even if they seem to be effectiveness and unsuccessful. But sometimes it is unexpected experiment that gives ideas and new direction of development.
 From BA course I anticipate more skills and techniques as well as huge knowledge about minerals, crystals, metals and how to mix them and unite in whole integral piece. I just do not want to stay anymore in that undeveloped stone age.



http://www.flickr.com/photos/imop/3988615380/ люди,запечатленные в момент обнажения.сакральное действие.недосказанная чувственность.притягательно более, чем что что-либо другое
people who are imprinted in the moment of baring.sacral action.implicit sensuality.attractive more than anything else



So i chose 3D and 1st week passed. Full scale. Big scale. Furniture. Wooden furniture. Hard material. Hard work.
Although brief theme was interesting the project was really consumptive. Without any skills, any ideas how to join these pieces of wood, even do not able to hammer a nail.
Fortunately Daiana helped me a lot, presenting me an idea how to make this wooden stuff keep balance and be a little useful.
On crit i discovered that almost everybody made something interesting, inventive,unusual. And my thing was so boring and ordinary. And ugly after all.
But only one tutor's advice completely changed everything. Just another position-and now i like my stuff much more! Actually it was less than advice-just suggestion to use. The supposition that i was not dare to realise.

Finally i took one good foto of my new little throne and got an idea not to be so exacting for myself and do not be too timid and constrained with my stuff.


First assessments

Now it's time to choose. I have to choose direction of my way.
I thought that Foundation course in general will help me with my decision. But! after 2 months, after 4 subjects i still don't know what to choose. Therefore i decided to attend all area presentations. Unfortunately  this confused me at all. Every presentation was exiting, thrilling! In every area there are advantages and something specially interesting for me. So i'll try to explain my expressions below.
VisCom. This discipline was the first and the most complicated to me. Everything seemed to be so strange,so unusual! First two weeks were the hardest. But after some time i realized that i thought about visual commutation more and more. The most interesting thing here is links, connections between pictures, images and words. Play with words, play with images, play with ideas - it's all about viscom. In addition i really like art cartoons. I was so impressed by the animations from the lecture and also  Jeff Scher and Run Wrake, especially 'Rabbit'. I so regret now that i didn't try to do some animations earlier.
3D. This area is attractive to me on the score of hand work, experimentation with different materials, creation dimension and volume. A lot of drawings is good reason too. Actually architecture, buildings, shadows and roofs are so amazing! As well i'm greatly interested in jewelry design, especially stones and metals and enamel. I'm really enjoyed of making little pieces of art for every day using. But i don't want to make just stuff. And sometimes it's really dull and boring to multiply and multiply again and again. Although i understand that this process lead to creation new unexpected forms and structures.
Fashion and Textiles. This is separate theme. I like fashion. I like clothes and everything which connect with fashion. Different fabrics, shapes and colors! Silk and wool, print and knit, combination, experimentation. It seems to be very simply choice-just choose fashion. But it is not so easily. Choosing fashion means creating not just simple clothes, but great, magnificent, haute couture clothes, fabric masterpieces.
Fine Art. I thought that this area is what i really want before course started. Drawing, painting!! This was my desire, about this i wrote in my supplement letter. In reality fine art turned out absolutely different from what i expected. The most difficult thing was to be left only with yourself, your imagination, your fears,your sorrows, your hopes, your dreams. I told yours? I meant mine. Mine fear of white sheet. Mine fear of tubes full of acrylic. Mine fright of brushes and unsteady line, wrong shape and incorrect color mix. I felt like in closed box. So awful understand it, but can't do anything to solve it. I absolutely did not expect so trick from my favorite subject. But i still trust that something can change later…
Finally i did not decide - fine art or design. I can say only that in my work i need brief, but only as a starting point. Also i'd prefer creating problems than solving them…
Now i really hope for your tutor help and strong safe hand. Do not break my hopes.


first fine art day

it was a little bit boring and everyone painted what he wanted and tutors as usual didn’t explain anything.but it was good.
it is of course good to have free imagination and make unusual things but i really want to study HOW to make,paint and draw..