мы сходили на Дега,на митинг против несправедливых выборов,отрепетировали русский новый год и проводили Шин в париж. через 2 дня я улетаю в россию. я отменила заказанный сноуборд и нахожусь в тревожном ожидании hero960 и моего фиш-ая..лучше бы не было этих дурацких каникул а просто неделя отдыха-и снова за работу.
а как добавить музыку к постам?чтобы одновременно играла музыка?
читала сейчас Бобо -у нее такая музыка и такие тексты..
я не знаю как писать эти ваши блоги или журналы.и совсем не хочется по-английски.но я попробую.для начала по-русски.теперь это будет уже не отмазка в универ,а по-настоящему-для себя.(о господи сколько опечаток!и выглядит это вовсе иначе, чем только что под одеялом в темноте закрытых глаз полусна)
сегодня мы закончили проект.с гордостью говорю:I've done!!
ммм это браслет) джайлс (о наш сладкий, чудо-шугар джайлс!) сегодня дал ценный совет-представить,а кто бы ЭТО мог носить??
мне кажется это могла бы носить девушка.как я.но без волос.лысая.наверно от болезни а может и просто от лени, или от тяжелого характера.этот браслет о калейдоскопах и кристаллах.кристаллах как они растут. попозже выложу подборку своего рисерча(как ужасно это пишется по-русски(( )наверное,на сегодня все.
сегодня мы закончили проект.с гордостью говорю:I've done!!
ммм это браслет) джайлс (о наш сладкий, чудо-шугар джайлс!) сегодня дал ценный совет-представить,а кто бы ЭТО мог носить??
мне кажется это могла бы носить девушка.как я.но без волос.лысая.наверно от болезни а может и просто от лени, или от тяжелого характера.этот браслет о калейдоскопах и кристаллах.кристаллах как они растут. попозже выложу подборку своего рисерча(как ужасно это пишется по-русски(( )наверное,на сегодня все.
в конце ноября в городе задули ветра. зашуршала опавшими листьями осень. студенты завернулись в старинные из сундуков шерстяные шарфы, поеденные молью,пропахшие столетним табаком и шанелями. натянули вязаные носки и гетры - и в кедах, вприпрыжку на последние в старом году лекции. под мышкой - портфели, трубы чертежные, папки в скрипучих кожаных переплетах, тяжеленные рюкзаки и льняные сумки. пестрые пряди выцветших волос выбиваются из-под спортивных шапочек с помпонами.
а в первых числах декабря погода окончательно испортилась - пошел дождь,а ветер дул уже непрерывно целую неделю.
а в первых числах декабря погода окончательно испортилась - пошел дождь,а ветер дул уже непрерывно целую неделю.
это же голое платье!
кажется это наша кэролайн бродхед.а может и другая кэролайн бродхед.но у нашей есть в точности такие же прекрасные как эти платья стулья.только их нельзя фотографировать а можно только описать словами.стул-марионетка,бисерный стульчик,стул с приклеенной тенью,стул с нарисованной тенью сидящего человека. просто полный стул)
Final evaluation
Final Major Project Evaluation
My research grew and expanded and probably namely this latitude became the first problem of my project. But finally I found the solution for this and located all my resources in the form of constellation which was relevant to my whole idea of permanent cyclic movement human-animal-star.

In addition I understood how hard and important it is to stop thinking and start making. In the future projects I will try not to forget about it and spent time on experiments as much as possible.
The positive meaning to my work is the intensive attention to the small things such as hairs, feathers. The deep exploration of their physical structure was really useful and led me to the basic types of connection between the body and the adornment. Especially a big zoom of hair's structure gave very good result and just became the engine of all my work.
Investigation of ancient myths, based on the poem of Ovid "Metamorphoses" allowed me to understand and realize possible types of fusions between the human and the animal, mutations in forms, shapes and essence. Ancient sculpture led me to use neck, face, back, hands, wrist and fingers as main places for my jewelry pieces.
I want also to add that despite sometimes I worked slow and probably lost the right direction the time management and especially the action plan were really useful and returned me to the correct position of work.
Finally I want to tell that as whole my project based on the idea of permanent cyclic movements in the life, when person can become an animal, a stone, a tree and even a star, only movement through challenges and overcoming them can lead us to the good results.
For me the hardest process is transition. From one stage of project to the next. Step from the new idea to the research, from the research to experiments and than to the final work. It was really hard to get from my first thought of organic to the field of right investigation. Than to choose from hundreds possibilities (horns, hoofs, skin, bones, nails, hair, teeth, tusks, etc) only ones that will work and experiment with them. From all my variants only one - big zoom of hair' structure gave good result and others became just dead ends.
And finally - create a real piece of jewelry, not from paper, real one.
And finally - create a real piece of jewelry, not from paper, real one.
It is about the problem of uncertainty. You never know what will be further, it is like journey from one dark room to another. But fortunately it is always light in the end. Even if you do not expect it at all.
It is very sad, but I have some troubles with experiments. Firstly, it is very hard to stop thinking and start making. Probably it is the biggest challenge, and I spent too much time on THINKING about my project (now it means so much for me^^). Secondly, when I had finally started experimenting I found out that not all of my materials worked. My first list of stuff included organics such as fur, egg shell, sea shell, snake skin etc. Than I added some metals - pewter, aluminum, silver plated wire, foil, silver leaf. And also some laminate surfaces - torn card, thin wood. The aim was creating material with circular pattern imitating sea shell or horn layers. Unfortunately, when heated pewter melted and aluminum did not change colour, silver leaf did not oxidize with vinegar. Only wire and foil altered the colour from white to golden and grey.
Also unsuccessful became my attempts to create three-dimensional form of hair structure from modelling material and than from some kind of dental plaster. It was jelly first hour, but as drying it became fragile.
So experiments were not really helpful and now I will try to work with wire, pewter and probably initial organic.
Also unsuccessful became my attempts to create three-dimensional form of hair structure from modelling material and than from some kind of dental plaster. It was jelly first hour, but as drying it became fragile.
So experiments were not really helpful and now I will try to work with wire, pewter and probably initial organic.
Film essay
The Flat by Jan Svankmajer
In the 1984 Brothers Quay released film "The Cabinet of Jan Svankmajer" named so as a tribute for their mentor and mastermind. Such a title is not accidental and it opens the perspective for Svankmajer's oeuvre. A Czech surrealist artist he created feature films and animations and had a huge impact on other artists, for example Tim Burton, Terry Giliam and Brothers Quay as mentioned. He investigated and revealed themes of fear, closed space and absurdity of everyday life.
All these main topics reflected in "The Flat" (1968) and started from the earliest frames of the movie. First appearance of the character accompanied by alarming music and rapidly changing 'crumpled' images symbolizing the birth, ejection, somersault. Human come to be in restricted area with stringently defined rules the principal of which is unpredictability. The parallel vision we can find in the literature of the early twentieth century especially in Kafka's novels. Critics also have been told that his "films are as emotionally haunting as Kafka's stories"( Caryn James, The New York Times, April 13,1994).
The next obvious reference arises in the scene with mirror when personage see only his own back of the head. It is the direct link to surreal paintings of Rene Magritte and concretely to his "Not to be reproduced"(1937).
All the properties of reality acquire trait of absurdity, surrealism. The customary laws are broken and you have never predict how they will work next minute. I think this point of view is really operative. It makes you not just passive object inside the process but gives an opportunity of self-selection and evaluation of what is happening.

Moreover Svankmajer not only employed and developed ideas of the previous artists but also influenced on next generations of directors. His concept evolved and advanced. For example Roman Polanski in "Tenant"(1976) worked with the same topic of closed space and its destructive impact on individuals.

Michel Gondry in movie "The Science of Sleep" (2006) used similar methods of mixing video and animation elements.
Finally Jan Svankmajer's films are still actual and can shock the audience and that approximates them to timelessness.
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